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News and Congratulations

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  March 2017: Lena Hölzen and Stephanie Ketterer presented at the 34th Winter School on Proteinases and Their Inhibitors in Tiers / Italy. Lena was elected as best speaker of her session. Congratulations!  
  February 2017 – Lab Fun Day: Cross-country skiing at the Black Forest  
  December 2016: Our Christmas Party at the Europa Park:  
November 2016: Alejandro Gomez-Auli defended his PhD thesis entitled “Identification and functional characterization of cathepsin protease dependent secretome proteins in tumor-stroma interactions” with great success. Congratulation Dr. Gomez-Auli !
October 2016: Martina Tholen received the “Hans-Spemann-Preis” of the Freiburg Faculty of Biology for her dissertation: "Translational regulation of cathepsin L: implications for localization and function". Martina is currently postdoc at the laboratory of Prof. M. Bogyo at Stanford University.

October 2016: Lena Hölzen presented a flawless defense of her Master Thesis “Tools for degradome-wide genetic interference screening in murine breast cancer cells”. Congratulations!


September 2016: Larissa Hillebrand (PhD Student) won a travel grant at the “IUBMB Symposium on Proteases, Inhibitors and Biological Control” held in Portoroz, Slovenia

June 2016: Stephanie Ketterer (PhD Student) received a travel award at the 2016 Gordon Conference “Proteolytic Enzymes & Their Inhibitors” held in Il Chiocco, Braga, Italy.
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